We are a family practice treating patients of all ages - newborn to geriatric. Our physician, nurse practitioners, and physician associate are highly skilled and will treat you in the most professional manner. Below are a few of the policies governing our practice and the treatment of our patients.
Contact Information
Our main office number is (757) 873-2000. Our phones are on Monday - Friday from 8:30 AM until 12:30 PM and 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM. We turn the phones over to a message from 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM for lunch. We do not have voice mail or the ability for patients to leave a message.
If you need to contact us and are having trouble getting through on the phones we encourage you to email us at docs@opfp.net. You may request refills, cancel appointments or leave a message for us to contact you simply by emailing us or through the Patient Portal. You may sign up for the Patient Portal here.
If you need to cancel an appointment after hours, we have an answering machine to take messages after hours for cancellations only. The number for after hours cancellations is (757) 223-4091. Please do not leave any other messages at this number. You may also fax us a message at (757) 873-2003.
Cancellation/No-Show Policy
We have an automated appointment reminder system that emails our patients 6-7 days in advance of their appointment.
Two days before your appointment you will receive an automated reminder phone call.
The night before your appointment you will receive a text message if we have your cell phone number.
With each of these reminders you have the opportunity to cancel your appointment. Make sure your information in our system is always up to date so we can successfully contact you.
We do make these multiple attempts to remind you about your appointment but it is ultimately the patient’s responsibility to remember their appointment.
All appointments should be cancelled at least 24 hours in advance of appointment time. If you do not cancel your appointment prior to scheduled appointment time and you do not come to your appointment, a no-show fee of $50 will be added to your account.
If you are a New Patient and you do not cancel your appointment nor show up for your appointment, we will be unable to reschedule you.
There are a few ways to cancel an appointment - by telephone during office hours at 873-2000 or, after hours, you may leave a message at 223-4091, you can also respond to the prompts from the automated emails, phone calls, and text messages mentioned above.
If you fail to cancel an appointment for a physical, the fee will be $50.00. Please be sure to let us know 24 hours in advance if you need to cancel. This cancellation will allow us to schedule acute patients that need to be seen on the same day in the open slot. Thank you for your adherence to this policy.